Protocols were proposed, published in a book-let form, and release during the First National Conference, 'ADSCON 2005' held in Mumbai.
They were contributed and accepted by experts in their respective field.
They are mere guidelines, proposed out of necessity for safe practice. They are essential for patient safety and success of your Day Surgery Center.
These Protocols are based on International practise and proposed by The International Association for Ambulatory Surgery, of which we are a member country.
These Protocols have suitably modified for our use. Please do use your discretion while using them, as every case is unique in itself and different.
Please CLICK on Protocols.
Accreditation of Day Surgery Centers is necessary for a uniformity in the category of care to be provided across the nation. Keeping this in mind, The Association has created ‘ABCD’, Accreditation Board for Certification of Day Surgery Centers.
Based on International Protocols, we have specially modified them to suite our situation. These Protocols have been taken and used in the SOP’s for ISO Certification and implemented along with recommendations of FEQH/QCI norms to classify your center into Minimum, Optimum and Excellent category.
Those of you who own or run a DSC and want to avail the opportunity of accrediting your center, should contact the addresses given below and give reference of One Day Surgery Centre, Mumbai, where, these accreditations have been in use since the past 16 to 17 years.
Web: www.ursindia.com
FEQH / QCI: (Forum for Enhancement of Quality in Healthcare)
Mr. P. P. Gadgil
Chembur Naka,
Mumbai-400 077
Tel.: 64126265 / 9820056944
E-mail: gadgilpp@yahoo.com
Web: www.clinic21st.com